Along with the translation of Sidi Ahmad Zarruq’s Commentary on the Hizb Al-Bahr – we are now promoting ‘Memoirs of A Sufi Master’ being a translation of Sidi Ahmad Zarruq’s ‘Kunnash’. This wonderful work covers the adventurous life journey of Sidi Ahmad Zarruq and furnishes us with many a lesson from this master of the outer as well as the inner Islamic sciences.

We also have a number of other translations which are currently in various stages of production. We hope to develop more from the significant scholarly contribution by Sidi Ahmad Zarruq. Below is a list of current works that have been or are in consideration for translation.

  1. The Path to Enlightenment and Mastery – being a translation of , Iʿānat al-Mutawajjih al-Miskīn ilā Ṭarīq al-Fatḥ wa’l-Tamkīn [Aid for the Poor Aspirant to the Path of Enlightenment and Mastery]. This really is an absolutely amazing piece of work which I have found to be immensely beneficial. This has been translated by Sidi Khalid Williams and as just been edited. All being well this should be available in the next few months insha’Allah.
  2. Nubdhah ash-Sharīfah fī al-Kalām ‘an Uūl aṭ-Ṭarīqah (The Noble Exposition: Exploration of the Principles of the Path) by Muammad b. ‘Alī al-Kharrūbī aarābulusī (d. 923 AH). This is Sidi Ahmad Zarruq’s own student Al-Kharrubi’s excellent commentary to Sidi Ahmad’s Uūl aṭ-Ṭarīqah. A number of translations of Uūl aṭ-Ṭarīqah already exist but this short work benefits greatly by this scholarly commentary. It is further enhanced by Sidi Ahmad Al-Adani’s incisive and detailed notes which are a wonderful addition. This has been translated and edited and again we hope that the work will be available in the next few months.
  3. TuÎfah al-MuridThe Gift of the Aspirant Traveller – this is another of Sidi Ahmad Zarruq’s risala which covers many insightful points of immense benefit for people travelling the path of purification. This has been translated by Sidi Ahmad Al-Adani in his inimitable style with thorough notes throughout.
  4. Commentary on the Beautiful Names of Allah being a translation of AL-MAQSID AL-ASMĀ FĪ SHARH ASMĀ’ILLĀH AL-HUSNĀ. This detailed exposition on the beautiful names of Allah most High through the eyes of Sidi Ahmad Zarruq has been translated by Sidi Ahmad Al-Adani and is currently in edit mode.
  5. An-Nasihah al-KÁfiyah – The Sufficient Advice – this is one of Sidi Ahmad Zarruq’s most recognised and critically acclaimed works. This is currently being translated by Sidi Ahmad Al-Adani.
  6. Al-Jami` li-Jumal min al-Fawa’id wa al-Manafi` Sidi Ahmad Zarruq covers miscellaneous points on working, counsel, du`a’, dress, food, hospitality, sleep, obedience to authority, waza’if, sunan, friendship, etc. This is currently awaiting translation.